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You’ll arrive at the dashboard. Let’s complete the required 2 steps at the dashboard, which are setting up your billing details and payment methods first.


Click on Billing Details > Go to Setting button and fill out your details: name, address, and email.


Click on Payment Methods > Go to Setting button and then select Paypal as payment method. Key in your registered email in Paypal.


Click on Offers at the menu. Our affiliate offer is 10% commission on sales as a start. Click on the Get Link button

If you have an Amazon affiliate, you can also use this link:

Cubo Montessori Box

Cubo Sticky Schedules

Cubo Sticky Feelings


Select the product you want to create a tracking link.


Click on the Copy Link button to grab the URL link. Share this URL to your network and receive commission for every sales referral.


Test your URL if it’s working by copying and pasting the link in a browser then click on it.

Go back to the dashboard and click on the Reports tab > Daily View. You should see at least 1 click in your report.


There’s no need for admin approval to start your affiliate sales and start earning 10% commission.

To help boost your affiliate promotions, you can ask your family, friends, or followers to use the code FRIENDSxCUBO to get $4.99 off from their cart (around 14% discount).

Coupon code can only used once per user.


Track your payouts at the Billing tab and let us know if there should be issues with your payment.

Cubo Sticky Schedules

this product is available now
this product is available now

Sample Copy :

Does this sound like your child?

Not moving. Not listening. Rolling on the floor. Only willing to listen if they get their way?

She’s not being difficult, just used to the new environment she’s in. He’s not acting out randomly, he really wants to play a bit more. When kids know what to expect next, the easier it is for them to transition to their routines.

Cubo Sticky Schedules are visual tiles that show kids what to expect during the day from routines, tasks or places to go. It feels like a game to learn day planning, task listing, and goal setting and practice their planning skills in the magnetic board.

Get ready for smoother days and let’s stick to the plan with Cubo Sticky Schedules!


(You need to change the URL to your affiliate link)

#greenparent #ecoparents #ecoparenting #ecoparent #ecotoys #greentoys #ecofriendlytoys #babytoys #infanttoys #toddlertoys #toddlergifts #socialemotionallearning #SELtoys #kidsroutines #toddlertantrum #montessoriroutinecards #routinecards #visualcards #toddlermeltdown

Cubo Sticky Feelings

this product is available now
this product is available now

Sample Copy :

You need to hear this today.

Your child isn’t making your life difficult. She’s having a hard time. He doesn’t understand why he is angry. She can’t figure out why she doesn’t like her baby brother. All these feelings aren’t fully understood at a young age and that’s why a little help goes a long way.

Cubo Sticky Feelings serves a platform to give kids a voice, while they navigate the ups and downs of their emotions. It feels like a game learning these concepts through the matching board and practice their coping skills in the magnetic board.

Get ready for smoother days and let’s stick to the calm with Cubo Sticky Feelings!


(You need to change the URL to your affiliate link)

#greenparent #ecoparents #ecoparenting #ecoparent #ecotoys #greentoys #ecofriendlytoys #babytoys #infanttoys #toddlertoys #toddlergifts #socialemotionallearning #SELtoys #bigfeelings #emotioncoaching

Cubo Montessori Box

note: this product is coming soon
note: this product is coming soon

Sample Copy :

Which one are you? A or B?

A > The conscious eco-parent who needs to know if the raw materials are sustainable and if they use only water-based and safe inks. OR?

B > The overwhelmed parent with kids’ toys, clothes, and books overtaking your space and wish you can take back your living and storage.

Either way, you’ll love our Cubo Montessori Box – made from beech wood which has a higher growth rate than harvest rate and a modular range that fits up to two shoe boxes that fits your play room or play corners.

You don’t want to miss our launch! Subscribe to our email list and be the first to know about exclusive deals at the link in our bio!


(You need to change the URL to your affiliate link)

#greenparent #ecoparents #ecoparenting #ecoparent #ecotoys #greentoys #ecofriendlytoys #babytoys #infanttoys #toddlertoys #toddlergifts #woodentoys

Thanks for helping us support conscious parents to move away from single-use (plastic) toys!