We’re tackling more MESH this year or the Mental, Emotional, and Social Health of Kids starting with 6 2024 resolutions for preschoolers!

New Year’s resolutions are not just for adults; they can also be a fun and beneficial practice for young children. We’re featuring some of our routine cards from Cubo Sticky Schedules that gets preschoolers to start on those habits:

1 / Practice Kindness

One of the most valuable lessons a child can learn is the importance of kindness. Encourage your preschooler to make a resolution to be kind to their friends, teachers, and family members. Teach them the significance of sharing, helping others, and using polite words like “please” and “thank you.” Engage in activities that promote empathy and compassion, such as reading books about kindness or participating in acts of charity together.

2 / Embrace Healthy Habits

Instilling healthy habits early on is crucial for a child’s overall well-being. Help your preschooler make a resolution to prioritize healthy choices. Encourage them to eat nutritious foods, drink plenty of water, and engage in regular physical activities. Make healthy snacks fun and exciting by involving your child in the preparation process. Establish a bedtime routine that includes sufficient sleep, as it plays a vital role in a child’s growth and development.

3 / Explore Creativity

Preschoolers have boundless imagination and creativity. Encourage your child to make a resolution to explore their artistic side. Provide them with opportunities for self-expression through drawing, painting, dancing, or storytelling. Set up a designated area at home where they can freely engage in creative activities. Encourage them to experiment with different materials and let their imagination soar.

4 / Cultivate a Love for Learning

Preschool is a crucial time for learning and discovery. Encourage your child to make a resolution to embrace learning with enthusiasm. Foster a love for reading by setting aside time for shared reading sessions. Visit the library regularly and let them choose books that pique their interest. Engage in educational activities that promote problem-solving, critical thinking, and curiosity. Encourage their natural sense of wonder and provide opportunities for hands-on learning experiences.

5 / Practice Good Manners

Teaching preschoolers about good manners and respect is essential for their social development. Help your child make a resolution to practice good manners, such as saying “please” and “thank you,” greeting others with a smile, and using gentle words. Teach them about the importance of taking turns, sharing toys, and being patient. Model good behavior yourself to reinforce these lessons and make them a part of their everyday life.

6 / Foster Independence

As preschoolers grow, fostering independence becomes increasingly important. Encourage your child to make a resolution to develop skills that promote independence. Teach them to dress themselves, clean up their toys, and complete simple tasks on their own. Provide opportunities for decision-making within a safe and guided framework. Celebrate their achievements, no matter how small, to boost their confidence.

Setting New Year’s resolutions can be an exciting and empowering practice for preschoolers. By focusing on kindness, healthy habits, creativity, love for learning, good manners, and independence, children can develop essential life skills while enjoying personal growth. Remember to provide guidance, support, and encouragement along the way. Together, let’s make 2024 a year of growth, happiness, and achievement for our preschoolers.

If you like our blog 6 2024 Resolutions for Preschoolers, please don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest blog releases. We also talked about why kids aren’t big on routines, how to keep kids in a routine, and our hack list for back-to-school readiness with your kids. You can also support your kids learning in our free digital guide The Playbook .

Get ready for smoother days~!

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